Brett Greensill
Sales Agent
BGT (QLD) Pty Limited | License no. 4754270
Brett Greensill
Specialty suburbs
Fortitude Valley, Hamilton, New Farm, Newstead, Teneriffe


0410 506 695

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Brett Greensill is a reputable figure in the real estate industry, with over 24 years of experience specializing in selling riverfront apartments, luxury and lifestyle properties, Queenslanders, character homes, boutique commercial properties, and developments. His expertise focuses on the inner city of Brisbane, specifically New Farm, Teneriffe, Newstead, Hamilton, Ascot, and Clayfield, showcasing his comprehensive knowledge of the local market.
Brett's tireless work ethic and exceptional negotiation skills demonstrate his commitment to his clients and their valuable residential assets. He has held a significant market share in the upmarket riverfront apartment sector in Brisbane, selling over $850 million worth of properties.

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