Anthony De Iesi
Sales Agent
Anthony De Iesi


0407 803 501

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Anthony De Iesi?s appetite for hard work is infallible. With more than 17 years of hard work in real estate, and a resident himself of the neighbouring suburb Thornbury, he?s able to offer the kind of local insight and industry experience that few others can. With a trademark responsiveness and willingness to be at the coalface, Anthony is always striving to achieve the most positive outcome, whether dealing with much-loved family homes or extensive new developments, he has built a reputation on consistently exceeding his clients? expectations. His biggest reward is seeing the results that hard work and dedication can have for his customers. A strong believer in the value of transparency and honesty, Anthony takes great pride in being part of such a likeminded company in McGrath. To experience unrivalled customer service founded on expert local knowledge, a wealth of experience and proven results, contact Anthony De Iesi.

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