Andy Camm
Principal & Sales Agent
Andy Camm


0458 666 670

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With over 29 years experience, Andy has covered many aspects of real estate, comprising residential sales, consultant marketing, management roles, a corporate management position, and owning a business on the Sunshine Coast.
Highlights of his career include a sales manager position at a national franchise office which, while under Andy's management role, won number one office nationally for six consecutive years. In 2007, Andy had the honour of opening Hamilton Island Property Sales, a new office on Hamilton Island on behalf of the Oatley Family companies. By far, his proudest achievement was the birth of his three sons; Jake, Todd and Will.
With over $330M in value of property transactions, Andy is highly regarded by senior property valuers and Real Estate Business operators throughout coastal Queensland. He has many satisfied clients, which is shown through his recognition of numerous industry customer service awards, plus receiving awards for Top Marketing and Auction Results.

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