Andrew Smaus
Sales Agent
Andrew Smaus
Specialty suburbs
Adamstown, Broadmeadow


0400 259 859

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Friendly, approachable, and highly experienced, licensed real estate agent Andrew Smaus excels at helping people achieve exceptional prices for their homes and to find the perfect property. Andrew is passionate about the art of negotiation and with 12 years of experience in the real estate industry, Andrew has developed a unique and personable style. Andrew is renowned for going above and beyond to ensure exceptional results whilst providing six-star customer service to all involved in the sales process. Andrew is based at the New Lambton McGrath office and genuinely loves the people, beautiful beaches and bushland of his hometown. Andrew was born and raised in Newcastle and can provide expert advice to his clients as well as insightful industry and local knowledge. Although Andrew specialises in selling homes in Adamstown, Andrew?s passion and love of real estate make him an easy choice for any of your real estate needs.

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