Alan Yu
New Client Coordinator
McGrath Estate Agents | License no. 1092814
Alan Yu
Specialty suburbs
Carlingford, Castle Cove, Castlecrag, Eastwood, Epping, Northbridge


0406 381 444

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Alan Yu is an industrious new client consultant, who is committed to providing an exceptional degree of customer service. The opportunity to meet new people and match them to their ideal home is immensely rewarding for Alan. He has a wealth of local knowledge to offer his clients to assist them with their house hunting endeavours. Alan specializes in Epping, Eastwood, Carlingford, Castle Cove, Northbridge & Castlecrag areas. Experienced and possessing a Bachelor Degree in Property, he is a valued team member at McGrath, with great determination to succeed. Dedicated to his career, he appreciates working in an ever changing environment in a highly regarded agency that invests in innovative training and personal development. Entrenched in the community, Alan is a well liked and professional individual. He also speaks Cantonese, which allows him to readily connect with a wider demographic. Efficient, attentive and confident, Alan is a friendly person to have a chat to about your rental requirements.
Alan Yu

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