Ainsley Driver
Principal | Owner
A&K Real Estate Pty Ltd | License no. TBC
Ainsley Driver
Specialty suburbs
Avenell Heights, Branyan, Bundaberg, Bundaberg East, Bundaberg North, Bundaberg South, Kalkie, Moore Park Beach, Norville, Svensson Heights, Thabeban


0422 288 907

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Principal of McGrath Bundaberg & Gladstone Ainsley Driver is a dedicated real estate professional with nearly 20 years' experience and a previous trade background. Ainsley's excellent ability to communicate with buyers and sellers is like no other. He enjoys building lasting relationships with people and helping them achieve their property dreams. Despite numerous accomplishments and accolades, Ainsley is wonderfully humble and still finds ways to broaden his property and finance knowledge. Always aiming to stay grounded, one of his proudest achievements was successfully selling a home for an older couple prior to the bank taking possession. As well as being a successful sales agent, Ainsley is also a licensed auctioneer and electrician, and his wide-ranging skill set has made him the perfect representative of such a well-respected McGrath brand. Ainsley feels that the company's core values closely mirror his own, allowing him and his team to offer an unparalleled customer experience.

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