Adam Pierce
Licensed Sales Agent | Auctioneer
McGrath Estate Agents | License no. 1092814
Adam Pierce
Specialty suburbs
Chifley, Eastlakes, Maroubra, Mascot, Pagewood, Rosebery


0415 345 507

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A driven and enthusiastic professional who is accustomed to success, Adam brings experience, a love of people, architecture and design to his career. Self-confessed workaholic with an ability to think outside the square, Adam prides himself on recognising his clients' needs and being instrumental in ensuring they are met. Adam specialises in private treaty and auction sales throughout the eastern suburbs and is committed to not only achieving the highest price for his vendors, but to ensuring the entire process is stress free and enjoyable from start to finish. Initially concentrating on a number of village style living developments through the east, Adam now focuses on all types of property from large freestanding homes to one bedroom apartments. Joining a blue ribbon brand like McGrath was a logical step for Adam. Combining his own talents with McGrath's six star service levels, advanced systems and industry leading marketing, Adam is the real estate agent of choice in your area.

Adam's listings