Jodie Hedley Ward
Principal | Sales Agent
Jodie Hedley Ward


0424 842 837

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Highly experienced, multi-award-winning real estate agent and Principal Jodie Hedley-Ward leads the team at McGrath Coast & Hinterland, who have consistently been named one of the top-ranked, ´RateMyAgent, Agencies of the Year since 2018´. Adding to her accolades, Jodie was named in the 2020 REB Top 50 Dealmakers Australia-Wide, where she was the only local Sunshine Coast agent to have been named. Jodie has been listed as the number 1 female agent for McGrath in Queensland, and one of the Top 10 female agents at McGrath nationally. Jodie was the Real Estate Institute of QLD (REIQ) Residential Salesperson of the Year in 2019 and is a former Sunshine Coast Corporate Businesswoman of the Year winner. Jodie specialises in selling property in Aroona, Battery Hill and Dicky Beach and is passionate about being an active contributor to the local community; together with her team, Jodie has helped donate well in excess of $300,000 to almost 200 not-for-profit organisations in recent years.

Jodie's listings