Trevor Hamilton
Sales Agent
All for Wealth Pty Ltd a/t/f Hamilton Discretionary Trust | License no. 1702901
Trevor Hamilton
Specialty suburbs
Macmasters Beach, Wamberal


0402 392 398

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Joining forces with Mat Steinwede, Trevor Hamilton is a hardworking agent focused on helping his clients achieve premium results. Backed by a dynamic sales team, he and Mat have made a decisive mark in a fiercely competitive arena. Testament to his personal success, Trevor is a leading local agent with a solid track record of attracting multiple benchmark transactions.
Highlights of his career include his direct involvement with Mat to facilitate a current record sale for the Central Coast. He's a trusted authority and sharp negotiator with invaluable market insight to offer. Trevor's unique blend of knowledge and passion for the industry sets him apart. First and foremost, he strives to understand people's needs and exceed their expectations.
An authentic individual who values happiness, he genuinely connects with buyers and sellers alike to assist them throughout critical stages. Down to earth, his clients are assured of receiving straight forward advice.

Trevor's listings